Saturday, November 22, 2008

Launch Abort Static Fire

So I've had a few conversations with many of you about this Launch Abort System I've been doing at work for the past few years. This week we had a big milestone event where we tested the first prototype. Here are a couple of videos/articles from the event that explain pretty well what we've been up to.


This is a video from Fox News (copy and paste into your url...the quick link isn't working)

The Standard Examiner

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Reflections of 29....29....29

Today I was on and read through the "Young People that Rock" section. This is a group of people that do amazing things for the bettering of humanity by the age of 30. Each has a profile, some strength, some weakness, but all are powerful.

"ZOW...that's only a year away", I said to myself sitting in a fluorescent lamp office space.

Does any one have any good ideas? Or maybe, has anyone done anything really impressive that I could 'borrow' and make it on CNN?