Saturday, November 22, 2008

Launch Abort Static Fire

So I've had a few conversations with many of you about this Launch Abort System I've been doing at work for the past few years. This week we had a big milestone event where we tested the first prototype. Here are a couple of videos/articles from the event that explain pretty well what we've been up to.


This is a video from Fox News (copy and paste into your url...the quick link isn't working)

The Standard Examiner

1 comment:

yeadave said...

I saw you Jentron in the lower left side. I can see you are scheming something big with this one. No wonder no one has seen you for months.

In other news, that night in Thailand when you were sick, Rich and I went walking through a giant activist group rally in a park near the Muy Thai fights arena. That activist group ended up seizing both airports in Bangkok yesterday...and to think, we were a part of it. Oh golly.